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Элементы 13171—13200 из 16334.
название публикацииГодРИНЦWoSАвторы
14259On the Rate of Convergence for a Characteristic of Multidimensional Birth-Death Process201900 (4)
14260On limiting characteristics for a non-stationary two-processor heterogeneous system201900 (5)
14261Numerical Experiments for Some Markov Models for Solving Boundary Value Problems201900 (2)
14262Statistical Analysis of Probability Characteristics of Precipitation in Different Geographical Regions202000 (3)
14263Max-Compound Cox Processes. I201900 (3)
14264Improved Architecture and Configurations of Feedforward Neural Networks to Increase Forecasting Accuracy for Moments of Finite Normal Mixtures201900 (2)
14265Toward high performance solutions as services of research digital platform201900 (5)
14266On improved universal estimation of exponents of digraphs201900 (1)
14267Conditions for the product form of the stationary probability distribution of Markovian resource loss systems201900 (2)
14268Secure and Reliable IoT Networks Using Fog Computing with Software-Defined Networking and Blockchain201900 (7)
14269Analysis of the Limited Resources Queuing System with Signals and Multiple Flows of Customers201900 (2)
14270Performance Assessment of QoS-Aware LTE Sessions Offloading Onto LAA/WiFi Systems201900 (5)
14272An optimal Berry-Esseen type theorem for integrals of smooth functions201900 (2)
14273How optical model of ball lightning explains its paradoxical movement upwind201900 (1)
14274Approximate analysis of the limited resources queuing system with signals201900 (3)
14275On the Distribution of the First Break Down in the Wireless D2D Communication with Cashing201900 (4)
14278A chatbot as an environment for carrying out the group decision making process201900 (4)
14279Comparison of various approaches for calculation of optically induced forces201900 (1)
14280Mass of the photon propagating in an optical medium and mass of its electromagnetic and mechanical components201900 (1)
14281Another argument in favor of the Minkowski form of the momentum of light in matter201900 (1)
14282How ball lightning finds out slots and holes to penetrate through them201900 (1)
14283Ball lightning as a bubble of light: Existence and stability201900 (1)
14284Physics of a ball lightning in a form of a bubble of light201900 (1)
14285Optical electrostriction pressure in liquid, solids and gases201900 (1)
14286Momentum of a wave of any physical nature in a context of the Abraham-Minkowski dilemma201900 (1)
14287Why ball lightning disappears suddenly traceless201900 (1)
14288Additional arguments in favor of the Minkowski form of the momentum of light in matter201900 (1)
14289Ball lightning as a bubble of self-confined light201900 (1)
14290Economic Security Assessment of Onboard Equipment Production with Possible Realization in Standard Machine Learning Technologies201900 (3)
14291Selection of information security systems to ensure economic security201900 (2)