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Элементы 13831—13860 из 15874.
название публикацииГодРИНЦWoSАвторы
14919Physical phenomena responsible for stability and spherical form of ball lightning202000 (1)
14920Ratio of the momentums of an arbitrary wave propagating in various media202000 (1)
14921Dozen arguments in favor of the Minkowski form of the momentum of light in matter202000 (1)
14922Cohesive Hybrid Intelligent Multi-Agent System Architecture202000 (1)
14923Improvement of the Quasi Delay-Insensitive Pipeline Noise Immunity202000 (5)
14924Iterator Component Development for Data Redundancy Solution in Data-Flow Architecture202000 (4)
14925Self-Timed Multiply-add-subtract Unit Alternates202000 (5)
14926Improvement of the natural self-timed circuit tolerance to short-term soft errors202000 (5)
14927The Exact Formula for the Exponents of the Mixing Digraphs of Register Transformations202000 (2)
14928Encryption performance and security of certain wide block ciphers202000 (2)
14929Comparative performance evaluation of modern heterogeneous high-performance computing systems CPUS202000 (5)
14930Application of the symbolic regression method for solving the inverse problem of control of the 3-RPR platform202000 (4)
14931Optimal Control System Synthesis Based on the Approximation of Extremals by Symbolic Regression202000 (4)
14932Regular perturbations to the motion of a three-wheeled mobile robot with the front-wheel drive under restricted state variables202000 (6)
14933Investigation of a perturbation method to solve essentially non-regular time-optimal control problems with state constraints202000 (6)
14934Numerical Method of Synthesized Control for Solution of the Optimal Control Problem202000 (1)
14935Comparison of Direct and Indirect Approaches for Numerical Solution of the Optimal Control Problem by Evolutionary Methods202000 (2)
14936Geometric Parameters and Workspace Optimization of Sitting-Type Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot202000 (4)
14937Limit Distribution of a Risk Estimate in the Problem of Inverting Linear Homogeneous Operators with a Random Sample Size202000 (1)
14938Mean-Square Risk of the Threshold Processing in the Problem of Inverting the Radon Transform with a Random Sample Size202000 (1)
14939On the Choice of Thresholding Parameters for Non-Gaussian Noise Distribution202000 (2)
14940An analytical model for 5G network resource sharing with flexible SLA-oriented slice isolation202000 (4)
14946Preface202000 (4)
14947On the role of the semantic knowledge model in ensuring the stability of reproduction of data transmission processes202000 (3)
14948Machine Learning Methods for Assessing Economic Security Indicators in the Life Cycle of On-Board Automation Systems on a Given Platform202000 (2)
14949Determination of the Parameters of a Submerged Source by Perturbations of the Liquid Surface Based on Machine Learning Methods202000 (3)
14950Neural network approach to solving the inverse problem of surface-waves generation <--> 2019202000 (3)
14951Статистическое оценивание распределений случайных коэффициентов стохастического дифференциального уравнения Ланжевена202000 (3)
14952О марковских и рациональных потоках случайных событий. I202000 (2)
14953Однолинейная система массового обслуживания с инверсионным порядком обслуживания с вероятностным приоритетом, групповым пуассоновским потоком и фоновыми заявками202000 (2)