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Элементы 301—330 из 15874.
название публикацииГодРИНЦWoSАвторы
16830Stabilization of Movement along an Optimal Trajectory and Its Solution202300 (4)
16831Active Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Method Based on Model Prediction202300 (2)
16832Reinforcement Learning for Solving Control Problems in Robotics202300 (4)
16833Investigation of Internal Model for Unmanned Vehicle Control in Case of Its Aggressive Motion along a Spatial Trajectory202300 (3)
16834Methodological Approach to Controlling the Degree of Intentions about Novel Knowledge for the Digital Economy202300 (2)
16835Providing High-Speed Data Access for Parallel Computing in the HPC Cluster202300 (3)
16836Dynamic Job Queue Management for Interactive and Batch Computation on HPC System202300 (3)
16837Adaptive Synthesized Control for Solving the Optimal Control Problem202300 (2)
16838Universal Stabilisation System for Control Object Motion along the Optimal Trajectory202300 (2)
16839Numerical Method for Complete Solution of the Optimal Control Problem202300 (1)
16840Machine Learning Control Synthesis by Symbolic Regression for Avoidance of Arbitrary Positioned Obstacles202300 (2)
16841The Extended Optimal Control Problem and Numerical Techniques of Its Solving202300 (2)
16842Study of Numerical Methods for Solving Optimal Control Problem for a Group of Robots202300 (2)
16843Multi-Objective Optimization in Traffic Flow Control202300 (1)
16844A look at quantum systems via p-adic 1-Lipschitz maps202300 (1)
16845Two Approaches to E-Book Content Classification202300 (2)
16846The logistics component of the geographic reference of the formed promising crop rotations202300 (3)
16847Digital tool for the sustainability of Russia's agricultural ecosystem202300 (1)
16848Management an Efficiency of Using of Information Scientific and Educational Resources on Mathematical Modeling Basis202300 (2)
16849Internet Representation of Research Institutions as a Result of Science Reform202300 (1)
16850Management of Scientific Agricultural Digital Ecosystems Based on Ecosystem Classification202300 (2)
16851The Age of Information in Wireless Cellular Systems: Gaps, Open Problems, and Research Challenges202300 (4)
16852Applying Carrier Sense Multiple Access to Industrial IoT at Terahertz Frequencies202300 (7)
16853Stochastic analysis of air–sea heat fluxes variability in the North Atlantic in 1979–2022 based on reanalysis data202300 (3)
16854On the Formation of Approximate Descriptions of Cause-and-Effect Relationships During the Analysis of Empirical Data202300 (4)
16855Кибербезопасность предприятия <--> affiliation ?202300 (2)
16856Ruin probabilities for a Sparre Andersen model with investments: the case of annuity payments202300 (2)
16857О свойствах максимально нелинейных булевых функций от нечетного числа переменных202300 (3)
16858Культура безопасности: концептуальные основы постановки и изучения актуальной проблемы развития цивилизации в XXI веке202300 (1)
16859Подготовка руководителей организационных систем как ключевая проблема цифровой трансформации России202300 (2)