Форма поиска публикаций

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Элементы 15961—15990 из 16334.
название публикацииГодРИНЦWoSАвторы
17149Некоторые оценки для скачка производной функции-множителя Лагранжа в задачах оптимального управления с фазовыми ограничениями второго порядка <--> Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 23-21-00161 в Институте динамики систем и теории управления им. В. М. Матросова СО РАН, https://rscf.ru/project/23-21-00161/202400 (1)
17150Process Bases for Ensuring Interoperability and Synchronization of Multifunctional Network-Centric Systems202400 (2)
17151Dynamic Line Management and Control Model in Transport Logistics202400 (3)
17152The Burr distribution as an asymptotic law for extreme order statistics and its application to the analysis of statistical regularities in the interplanetary magnetic field <--> This work was done with the support of MSU Program of Development, Project No. 23-SCH03-03202400 (5)
17153Comparison of Statistical Approaches for Reconstructing Random Coefficients in the Problem of Stochastic Modeling of Air–Sea Heat Flux Increments <--> Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 22-11-00212 https://rscf.ru/project/22-11-00212/ МГУ202400 (4)
17154On the length of a queue in a mixed priority system under conditions of critical loading202400 (2)
17155Markov Decision Process and Artificial Neural Network for Resource Capacity Planning in 5G Network Slicing <--> This publication has been supported by the RUDN University Scientific Projects Grant System, project No. 025319-2-000202400 (4)
17157Digital twin of livestock production in unified digital platform of Russian agriculture management202400 (1)
17158Dynamic Multihead Attention for Enhancing Neural Machine Translation Performance202400 (3)
17159Stochastic Analysis of Cyber Threats in Information Systems202400 (2)
17160Advancing Network Anomaly Detection: Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models202400 (3)
17161Methods of Descriptive Statistics in Telemetry Tasks <--> affiliation: Institute of Information Technology MIREA, Russian Technology University, Moscow, Russian Federation202400 (2)
17162Virtual Training Simulator and Medical Decision Support for Personalized Assessment of Severity and Prediction of the Patients' State (the Case of Acute Pancreatitis): Investigation of the Problem Area and Identification of the Problem <--> 10.13039/501100006769-Russian Science Foundation (Grant Number: 24-21-00392) https://rscf.ru/project/24-21-00392/202400 (2)
17163Revisiting the “Problem” and Its Structure202400 (1)
17164Control Synthesis Problem of Traffic Flow in Urban Network202400 (2)
17165Problem of Optimal Area Monitoring and Universal Motion Stabilisation System for its Practical Realisation <--> 10.13039/501100005992-Ministry of Education and Science202400 (2)
17166Improving the quality of route generation in SUMO based on data from detectors using reinforcement learning202400 (4)
17167Self-Timed Circuit Emulation on FPGA <--> 10.13039/501100006769-Russian Science Foundation (Grant Number: 22-19-00237), https://rscf.ru/project/22-19-00237/202400 (3)
17168Self-Timed Counter Synthesis <--> 10.13039/501100006769-Russian Science Foundation (Grant Number: 22-19-00237), https://rscf.ru/project/22-19-00237/202400 (3)
17169Synthesis of Self-Timed Circuits with Memory <--> 10.13039/501100006769-Russian Science Foundation (Grant Number: 22-19-00237), https://rscf.ru/project/22-19-00237/202400 (3)
17170Self-Timed Counter Implementation Basis <--> 10.13039/501100006769-Russian Science Foundation (Grant Number: 22-19-00237), https://rscf.ru/project/22-19-00237202400 (3)
17171Self-Timed Trigger Synthesis with Composite Write-Enable Input202400 (6)
17172Desynchronization of a Synchronous Circuit to Synthesize Self-Timed Circuit202400 (5)
17173Failure-Tolerant Self-Timed Circuits <--> По решению Комиссии не была учтена в 2023г. , т.к. ошибочно! посчитали, что в 2022г. была учтена русская версия. Но "The article was prepared based on the materials of the report presented at the VI International Conference “Mathematical Modeling in Materials Science of Electronic Components,” Moscow, October 24–26, 2022."202400 (5)
17174The Limit Distribution of the Queue Length in a Priority System with Autoregressive Arrivals Under the Heavy Traffic Condition202400 (2)
17175On the Complexity of the Sequential Sampling Method202400 (1)
17176О сложности метода последовательного опробования202400 (1)
17177Алгоритм улучшения согласованности структурной интероперабельности202400 (2)
17178Структура семантической интероперабельности для онтологии объектов железнодорожной инфраструктуры202400 (1)
17179Function Search Automated by Evolutionary Machine Learning <--> 10.13039/501100006769-Russian Science Foundation202400 (3)