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Элементы 15421—15450 из 16175.
название публикацииГодРИНЦWoSАвторы
16599Normality and second-order optimality conditions in state-constrained optimal control problems with bounded minimizers <--> affiliation202300 (1)
16600On Normality in Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints202300 (2)
16601On a Class of Control Problems with Mixed Constraints202300 (2)
16602On Higher-Order State Constraints <--> affiliation202300 (2)
16603On Effective Fine Functions for Inspection—Corruption Games (Evolutionary Approach) <--> affiliation202300 (2)
16604Fractional Equations for the Scaling Limits of Levy Walks with Position-Dependent Jump Distributions <--> affiliation202300 (1)
16605The Rates of Convergence for Functional Limit Theorems with Stable Subordinators and for CTRW Approximations to Fractional Evolutions <--> affiliation202300 (1)
16606On the Control over the Distribution of Ticks Based on the Extensions of the KISS Model <--> affiliation202300 (1)
16607Synthesis of Nonlinear Nonstationary Stochastic Systems by Wavelet Canonical Expansions202300 (4)
16608Analytic and Asymptotic Properties of the Generalized Student and Generalized Lomax Distributions202300 (1)
16609Mixture Representations for Generalized Burr, Snedecor–Fisher and Generalized Student Distributions with Related Results202300 (2)
16610Quasi-Exponentiated Normal Distributions: Mixture Representations and Asymmetrization202300 (2)
16611Short-Term Mobile Network Traffic Forecasting Using Seasonal ARIMA and Holt-Winters Models202300 (4)
16612Retrial Queueing System for Analyzing Impact of Priority Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication Transmission on Enhanced Mobile Broadband Quality of Service Degradation in 5G Networks202300 (3)
16613The Impact Estimation of Human Capital on Social Well-Being and Social Development in the Digital Era: A Mathematical Model202300 (4)
16614A Sustainable Development Model for an Agricultural Holding Based on Strategic Management and a Single Digital Platform for the Agro-industrial Complex202300 (1)
16615Ontological integration of digital sub-platforms of plant and animal husbandry202300 (1)
16616Brain Tumor Classification based on Improved Stacked Ensemble Deep Learning Methods202300 (2)
16617Speech Recognition of Vedic Sanskrit using Deep Learning Algorithm202300 (3)
16618Enhanced DDoS Detection using Machine Learning202300 (3)
16619Analysis of Application-Level Load Balancing Algorithms202300 (2)
16621Hybrid Intelligent Systems for a Personalized Assessment of the State of Complex Medical Objects Using Dynamic Object Modeling202300 (1)
16622Performance Assessment and Comparison of Deployment Options for 5G Millimeter Wave Systems202300 (2)
16623Analysis of Multi-Server Queueing System with Flexible Priorities <--> affiliation202300 (3)
16624Propagation Model for Ground-to-Aircraft Communications in the Terahertz Band with Cloud Impairments202300 (3)
16625Battery Lifetime and Power Consumption in 5G Systems with Intra- and Inter-RAT Dual-Connectivity202300 (8)
16626Рынок с марковской скачкообразной волатильностью I: мониторинг цены риска как задача оптимальной фильтрации202300 (1)
16627Среднеквадратичный риск FDR-процедуры в условиях слабой зависимости202300 (2)
16628Исследование робастности численных аппроксимаций фильтра Вонэма202300 (1)
16629Критерии выбора размерности модели факторизации202300 (1)